Monday Jan 04, 2021
Leadership Intuition: Part 2 (Ep. 4)
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
The Law of Intuition (Part 2)
Recap of Part 1:
- The two things that make up leadership intuition:
- Natural Ability
- Learned Skill
Question: What are some areas that people in leadership tend to not be intuitive?
Answer: Three common areas:
- Realizing that the journey is a lot longer than you think it will be.
- Seeing things as other people’s fault - not your own.
- Intentionally viewing EVERYTHING through the leadership lens.
People tend to miss the Law of Intuition when it comes to the simple stuff that should not be missed, but most often is. I am talking about team member morale, the momentum of their companies, and especially relational dynamics. There are so many intangibles that leaders miss on a daily basis.
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell
- Leaders are Readers:
- of their situation
- of trends
- of their resources
- of people
- of themselves
Leaders are Readers: Of their situation
- We all wear a lot of different hats (roles in life). Read each situation you are in.
- Leaders are always looking at the environment.
- You can’t change your circumstances but can change your response to the circumstances.
Reflection Question: Are you reading your situations as a leader would?
How does someone look at their situation and have confidence that they are seeing it clearly? What do they need in order to see it clearly through a leadership lens?
- Leaders sens attitudes and chemistry
- Leaders are looking for the intangibles
- Leaders know a situation before it happens and before all the facts
Leaders are Readers: Of trends
- Most managers are really concerned about being efficient and effective. The bottom line and getting things done.
- Leaders take the broader view. They look years and decades ahead.
- Leaders in some ways buck the trends. They are thinking further out then the here and now.
- Leaders step back to see what’s happening in the moment and see how it is going to affect the organization in the future.
- You need to sense when trouble is coming and when opportunity is coming.
- Leaders are steps ahead of their people.
- You will go through many different trends. Your job as a leader is to keep people grounded knowing you are taking a further view.
- Be the constant caring for your people and leading them through the change.
- The mission stays the same but the method will change.
Leaders are Readers: Of their resources
- The difference between leaders and everybody else is the way that they see what is in front of them, the things that are at hand, their resources.
- Leaders think in terms of next level leadership - “This is what I have and this is what I have to do to get the most out of it.”
- Leaders think challenges & problems = opportunity. They look at their resources and ask, “Who are the people I can give these resources to get the job done?”
- You have to see everything with a leadership bias.
- Leaders build leaders and build teams and leverage their resources.
Reflection Questions: Are you using the resources you have properly?
Leaders are Readers: Of people
- People are it! Everything else can come and go, but people are it.
- The only reason to ever burn a bridge is when someone lacks character.
Are you able to read people in the situation you are in right now? Are you intuitive of the relationships of your boss, your peers, those that report to you.
- Leaders know the hopes, dreams, fears, and concerns of their people behind the scenes.
- If you want to lead someone you need to learn who he is and how to read him better. And you can’t read someone unless you are in relationship with them.
What role does emotional intelligence play in reading people.
- Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Jean Greaves and Travis Bradberry (Mo’s Top 50 reading list)
- Are you self aware?
- Are you socially aware?
- Reading people is the most important skill in the intuition department.
- Leaders must hone this skill.
- If you aren’t giving people a reason to follow you then you’re not leading at all.
Leaders are Readers: Of themselves
- This is why you need an Inner Circle
- You have to have the ability to read yourself.
- “No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself.” James Russel
Reflection Question: Are you reading yourself on a daily basis? Are you making changes?
- Leaders need to know their strengths and know their weaknesses.
- Recommendation: Take the Strengthsfinder 2.o assessment
Mo’s Final Thoughts:
When leaders become others focused and optimistic, that’s when organizations thrive. Rising Tide Leadership consults in that kind of culture in organizations. We want you and your organization to become better. That’s why it is important for leaders to be readers of these five areas, so they can put their people and organization in the best possible positions to win and be successful.
Special thanks to:
Work it out by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/l_work-it-out
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/erSmdVocHO0
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Leadership Intuition: Part 1 (Ep. 3)
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
The Law of Intuition
- The way that somebody evaluates something.
- That little poke in the ribs that tells you, “Hey, what’s the leadership angle of this specific situation?”
Everyone is intuitive about something. Everyone is intuitive in their area of strength.
Intuition “separates the great leaders from the merely good ones.” - JM
What is the difference, or better yet, the relationship between the Leadership Lens and Leadership Intuition?
- Leadership Lens = The way you see things
- Leadership Intuition = How you evaluate what you see and what action must be taken based on what you see.
John Maxwell says that Intuition comes from 2 Things:
- Natural Ability
- Learned Skill
Natural Ability
Everybody wants to be a natural born leader. When in reality, most people are not.
There are three types of people (John Maxwell, 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership)
- Those who are Natural Leaders
- Those who are Learned Leaders
- Those who will never be leaders
Learned Skills
Honing one’s skills is the most important part of becoming a better leader.
Angela Duckworth, Grit
- Talent vs Effort.
- Each of us is born with a certain amount of talent. We cannot make that talent more or less. That is a God-given piece of who we are.
- But then there is the second and more important piece of the puzzle, which is the effort that people put in.
- Talent + Effort = Skill + Effort = Success.
- Effort counts twice.
- You can have all the talent in the world but if you don’t practice then that talent goes away.
- Work “smarter not harder”.
Reflection Question: Are you working on your skill sets?
How do you know what you need to get better at?
- Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths
How does knowing your individual strengths help you become more intuitive at leading other people?
- You have to at the very least know you are on the right track. You have to hitch your wagon to the right train, which is following the right people.
How do I know if I am on the right track? How do I know if I am following good leaders?
Answer: Ask good questions.
- (The Philosophical Question) Why is leadership important to you? Is what you are doing bringing you satisfaction and fulfillment?
- Leadership isn’t just a part of what you do, it’s about making it a way of life.
- (The Relational Question) Do the people you follow have the fruit on the tree?
- Focus on following the right people before wanting others to follow you.
- (The Personal Question) Am I willing to do what it takes to become a more intuitive leader?
- The journey is long, but every step is rewarding and worth it.
Mo’s Final Thoughts:
No matter where you’re at in the leadership, no matter where your leadership intuition is, don’t lose heart and ask good questions. Ask a couple people you trust, “Am I an intuitive leader”? Your people know you and will know how to answer you. Somebody is always watching you as a leader. When you are a leader there are people that need you to make good decisions, because your decisions good or bad will affect them. So, ask the right questions. Keep the journey going. Work on the leadership lens and work on the intuition factor. You will start seeing fruit.
Special thanks to:
Work it out by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/l_work-it-out
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/erSmdVocHO0
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Developing a Leadership Lens (Ep.2)
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Rising Tide Leadership Podcast: Simplifying the Complexities of Your Leadership Journey
Episode 2: Developing a Leadership Lens
“Everything that you see needs to be seen through the lens of leadership.” ~MO
What is a Leadership Lens?
- The way you view life and relationships.
Leadership Lens: Instinct or choice?
Why is it important to recognize it is a choice?
- The way that we view life depends on the activities that we engage in, and the people that we associate with.
- Leaders give up rights for responsibility.
- Leaders don’t make excuses. Leaders make it happen.
Reflection Question 1: “Am I viewing life through a leadership lens?”
Can anyone develop a leadership lens?
- Short answer: Yes
- Long answer: If you are willing to take the next 20 years to change the way you think.
What are some other lenses that people commonly mistake for a leadership lens?
- The Manager Lens
- Just because people listen to you and do what you say, does not mean that you are a leader.
- “We manage numbers, but we lead people.” - Peter Drucker
- Most people in positions of influence, are living in what John Maxwell calls the lowest level of leadership or “positional leadership.”
How to know whether you are leading or managing?
- When your people start coming to you for something that has nothing to do with your work relationship, you are on the precipice of influence and leadership.
- “We need to give, knowing that we will never be able to receive anything for the work that we put in.”
3 Ways to Develop a Leadership Lens
- Become “others focused”.
- Have the best interest of your people in mind.
- Think of yourself less.
- “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” - CS Lewis
- Make it a way of life.
- “You can fool your superiors but you can’t full your subordinates.” - Unknown
Reflection Question 2: Are you willing to change your viewpoint so that seeing life through a leadership lens is a way of life?
MO’s Final Thoughts:
Start making subtle changes. Start thinking about others in everything you do. Start thinking about yourself less. Learn to live everyday this way and it will become a way of life.
Special thanks...
Work it out by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/l_work-it-out Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/erSmdVocHO0
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Do You Have What It Takes? (Ep. 1)
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
“Everywhere you go, every person you encounter, every experience you have is pretty much a product of leadership or lack thereof.” Mo
Question: How did you get started on the leadership journey?
Answer: by understanding the different types of leaders.
- Mentors
- John Maxwell - Reading, 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
- Kevin Kobb - Personal investment
Question: In what ways have you been intentional about staying on the journey?
Answer: After you understand the different types of leaders you need to understand the leadership lens.
- Leaders do two actions really well
- Create leaders
- Create teams
It’s not about just spending time with people, it’s about investing in others.
Reflection Question: How do you feel about the intentionality in your time with others. Are you putting intentional time into others?
All leaders have to do things they don’t feel like doing.
Question: How does someone become intentional about shifting their feelings and wanting to be intentional with people?
Answer: By understanding next level thinking.
- “We as leaders need to engage in next level thinking.” Dr. Lem Usita
- Leadership is not complicated, it is simple. However, that does not mean it is easy.
- “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” John Maxwell
Starting out the right way: What does being intentional and starting the right way look like in 2021?
- Do you have a plan?
- Not an idea or a wish, but an actual plan? Most people don’t.
- “Everybody has a plan until you get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson
- By having a plan you give yourself the best chance.
- “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” John Wooden
Question: How do you make a plan?
- The first step in making a plan is SETTING GOALS. You have to decide where you are going, (What is the goal?, Where do I want to end up?) in order to make a plan to get there.
- Dreams don’t become goals until you put them on paper.
Reflection Question: Are you setting the goals? Where do you want to end up?
Question: How do you know what goals to set?
Answer: Effective goal setting comes down to asking yourself more questions. You have to set aside time to reflect and be honest with yourself about two things:
- New stuff - What new stuff have I been meaning to do that I am actually going to commit to doing in 2021?
- Old stuff - What old stuff have I been doing that I need to quit doing?
- Bob Goff says that most of us need to learn how to quit things that we need to quit, and be free from them so it doesn’t bring us down and bring negative connotation to the rest of our lives.
Procrastination is one of the killers of being an effective leader and a person of influence.
- Principles from “eat that frog” to do the hard thing first, instead of setting aside
- “Do you have what it takes?”
- Do you have what it takes - Internally?
- You need to do the things that others won’t do, so you can have the things that others won’t have.
- Perseverance and grit
- Angela Duckworth, Grit - Talent isn’t enough.
- Do you have what it takes - Externally?
- Accountability structure - Who are the men and women speaking into your life?
- Your reading list - Who are the authors that are going to influence you this year?
- Leaders are readers.
- There is no secret to success. The secret to success has been written in every book that’s ever been made.
Mo’s Final Thoughts: Wherever you are at in the leadership journey out there take the next step. You need to make sure you are putting in the time because nobody cares about your journey like you do.
Put in the time. Remember you want to understand your leadership lens. You need to start viewing things with the lens of a leader. Everything that you see needs to be seen through the lens of leadership
What does it mean for you to have next level leadership?
You can do it out there!
Special thanks to:
Work it out by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/l_work-it-out
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/erSmdVocHO0